.NET Installation

Gaius requires the .NET SDK or specific .NET Runtimes to be installed.

For Windows, MacOS, and most common Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.) please visit the .NET 5.0 Download Page to download and install the .NET 5.0 SDK / Runtimes.

The simplest approach is to install the full .NET 5.0 SDK, which includes the following runtimes:

It's also possible to install just the .NET Runtime and the ASP.NET Core Runtime. This has a smaller installation footprint, but the installation is more piecemeal.

Arch Linux .NET Installation (Recommended Packages)

For Arch Linux users it is recommended to use the AUR .NET packages as these are kept more up to date.

Use an AUR helper (e.g. Paru or Yay) to install the required packages:

paru -Syu dotnet-host-bin dotnet-runtime-bin dotnet-sdk-bin dotnet-targeting-pack-bin aspnet-runtime-bin aspnet-targeting-pack-bin

Validating your .NET Installation

Run some terminal commands to validate your .NET installation:

$ dotnet --version

$ dotnet --list-runtimes 
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 5.0.x [/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 5.0.x [/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App]

Note: there might be additional runtimes listed if you installed the full .NET SDK.